Why does the page look so old?

I would like to briefly explain the question: why is your website the way it is and what technology did I choose.

Why does the page look so old?

I'll try to break all that down a bit.

First of all, it must be said that my website is not the most beautiful. There are so extremely well designed websites out there. This will become a little clearer if you also take a look at "Who am I?". But now to the actual question...As you may have noticed there is no cookie banner, the website loads fast and just it looks like it currently looks - but first things first.

For the website itself I only use HTML5 and CSS3 nothing more. No Javascript, Bootstrap, no cookies and no advertising and tracking. With CSS you can create very good designs, but that is also more complex. So that you can somewhat estimate the current time required: I have watched a 40-hour training with basics in HTML5 and CSS3. That was about 1 month of pure working time where I documented what I learned on the one hand and on the other hand rebuilt the exercises. My documentation is about 130 pages long + examples I realized via Atom at that time.

It took me about 25 hours to create the website. Writing articles I now find worse than changing anything on the website, because if you build everything from 0, then you know where what is located - the fixes or adjustments go faster. The website is partially responsive, I always notice something and then I try to adapt it immediately - the goal is at least an optimization down to tablets.

Another advantage is that the website is meant for me, i.e. I build up a certain portfolio with it, but if someone stumbles across it and can make use of it...why not? The artistic is not so me therefore I am grateful for any info or constructive feedback. The page itself is not finished yet, so some things will change over time. I have many ideas and must look how I implement them most sensibly.

The artistic is not so me therefore I am grateful for any info or constructive feedback (via twitter). The page itself is not finished yet, so some things will change over time. I have many ideas and must look how I implement them most sensibly.